Monday, March 15, 2010

.: 1st...

Just imagine..
if we're still together....
just imagine..
if we're still in love..
just imagine...
if your never change..
just imagine..
if we never fall in love..


just imagine...

if i never meet you...


He lalRO sle said...

oi cam tak pulih2 lg je.
cinta agong pasti menanti mu..
life must go on...

Merissa K. said...

hey hey.

just because, tak sempat sambut anniversary ke 5 ( i know how it feels like. saya pun sipi sipi nak sampai garis tahun ke 5, tapi tak sempat sampai), doesnt mean it's a waste of time.

ive learnt never to question 'if only ive never met you'. soalan tu terlalu hazardous. boleh buat gila.

look at the bright side (cliche, saya tahu), you'll come out of this much much stronger (sama macam semua orang lain yang journey terputus tengah jalan. hey kita boleh buat club! -_-)

ok sorry pjg sgt merapu. :p
what im trying to say is that, ur not going thru this sorang sorang. :) there are boats full of ppl like us out there.

.: The Lust