Wednesday, October 6, 2010

.: 20th [Imejan Duniawi]

“You have to exercise a little bit la..Now,you look more fat..”..

Yes,it’strue…,and I don’t even give a damn about that..

Aku pernah untuk mencuba untuk berfesyen,look trendy and style ,jaga penampilan tapi… 

It’s so not me.Aku juga pernah nak turunkan berat badan supaya aku boleh pakai pakaian yang stylo-stylo.Tapi rasanya kurang berkesan..

Who can resist Carl’s Jr Double Western Bacon,Secret Recipe’s Chocolate Cheesecake,Vivo’s Panini Beefstripe,McD’s Double/TripleCheese Burger…



Anonymous said...

teroskn usaha tuk kurus!!!!

S.I.D said...

selagi ada...makan je pe nak....
pe jadi blakang cite.... tak gitu?

.: The Lust